Beyond Ordinary Template Engine
The Template Engine is a runtime-configurable engine that generates PDF documents.
We currently support the ABCpdf engine version 11 from, and
iText, with plans to support other PDF engines as required. Our framework
is light-weight and easily extended to any PDF engine that supports PDF document
merge and forms.
Integrating The Electronic Forms Template Engine is as simple as referencing the
DLLs, which are automatically installed into the Global Assembly Cache on your developer
machine. Once you have the references in your project, you add the configuration
sections to your Web.config
file. From the Web.config
file, you will tell the engine where to find your templates.
Your TemplateConfig.xml contains the specifications for
the templates you are trying to generate. A template configuration file can be very
complicated with many rules that determine how form fields are pre-populated. The
engine supports a variety of boolean operations that can be nested to create complex
conditional logic.